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Tüm Site İçeriği
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Denemek bile önemli. Epey fantezilere kayış var.
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Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Apr. 23, 2012 — Physicists led by Prof. Anton Zeilinger at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI), the University of Vienna, and the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) have, for the first time,...
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Three months ago, Twitter hosted its first scientific experiment and invited users to help demonstrate the existence of psychic powers. Professor Richard Wiseman, of the University of Hertfordshire, recruited 7,000 volunteers via the social...
Yazar:by Hilary Hurd Anyaso
October 22, 2012 | EVANSTON, Ill. --- Wouldn’t it be amazing if our bodies prepared us for future events that could be very important to us, even if there’s no clue about what those events will be? Presentiment without any external clues...
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Neurocase. 2012;18(6):527-36. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2011.633532. Epub 2012 Jan 9.
Case report: a prototypical experience of 'poltergeist' activity, conspicuous quantitative electroencephalographic patterns, and sLORETA profiles - suggestions for...
| 7556 tıklama | Email
Bilim Felsefesi/Bilim Adamları
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Scherrington (1857-1952), Doğasındaki İnsan (1938) adlı kitabında, aklın canlılıktan da farklı bir şey olduğunu şöyle ifade eder: “...Bir akıl sorunu olduğu zaman, sinir kendisini yadsınamaz bir hücre üzerine merkezleştirmekle...
| 1423 tıklama | Email
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown for the first time that a sample of children who either have or are at high risk for bipolar disorder score higher on a creativity index than healthy children. The findings add to...
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
ben sadece bakınca gemiye benzettim çiğdem başal
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Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Bankers and accountants who used to put their faith in spreadsheets and complex formulas are now turning to clairvoyants for guidance. Many have even started taking in job offers and contracts to be analysed. The British Astrological and Psychic...
Parapsikoloji Genel/Uzaktangörü
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Çizim için paranormal ya da doğaüstü yetenek olması ya da bunu bilmek şart değildir. Ama bunun yapılabildiğine inanmak başarıyı önemli oranda arttırır. Bir çok kişi durugörüye inanır ama kendini bu konuda yeteneksiz kabul eder....
22. Clever Hans and his effects. Karl Krall and the origins of experimental parapsychology in Germany
![]() English/English
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Stud Hist Philos Biol Biomed Sci. 2014 Aug 28. pii: S1369-8486(14)00085-5. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsc.2014.07.005. [Epub ahead of print]
Clever Hans and his effects. Karl Krall and the origins of experimental parapsychology in Germany.
De Sio F1,...
| 6475 tıklama | Email
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Now Prof. Martin Kupiec and his team at Tel Aviv University's Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology have discovered that the beverages may also have opposite effects on your genome. Working with a kind of yeast that shares many...
| 6647 tıklama | Email
Sinir Sistemi Bilimi/Görüntüleme
Yazar:Joan Raymond
Söz konusu evrim olduğunda, kaşınmak gibi refleksler, diğer parmaklarla birleşip iş görebilen bir başparmak geliştirmek kadar önemli görünmeyebilir. Ancak bilim adamları nörolojik açıdan bakıldığında "kaşıntı" ve yakın...
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
J Pers Soc Psychol. 2012 Dec;103(6):933-48. doi: 10.1037/a0029709. Epub 2012 Aug 27.
Correcting the past: failures to replicate ψ.
Galak J, Leboeuf RA, Nelson LD, Simmons JP.
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes...
| 7361 tıklama | Email
'Up to 85 per cent of people may be clairvoyant' says a researcher. Dr Chris Roe places a pair of enormous fluffy earphones over the head of a blonde 20-year-old woman. He carefully slices a ping-pong ball in half and tapes each piece over her eyes....
Yazar:Sultan Tarlacı
Anthropol Med. 2013 Aug;20(2):190-202. doi: 10.1080/13648470.2013.800806. Crisis as deferred closure - clairvoyant counselling in contemporary Danish society. Steffen V. a Department of Anthropology , University of Copenhagen , Denmark. Abstract ...
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